Services we offer:

  • Cutting of tiles into skirting
  • Polishing of cut skirting enjoying a round edge finish
  • Bevelling of cut skirting enjoying a square finish
  • Grooving and/or rounding step tiles
  • Cutting of window sills and step tiles into any desired measurement

We offer flawless straight cut skirting, high quality round edge finish and various ceramic cutting services.

Step Tiles and Risers

The step is cut to the requested measurements and given a round edge profile. The riser is cut to the requested measurements.

Non slip grooves on step tiles

4 Grooves are cut into 2.5mm of the step tile.

Round edge skirting

Cutting of ceramic tiles and travertine and finished with a round edge profile.

Straight cut skirting

Ceramic tile or travertine is cut into skirting with a square edge profile.

Bevelled skirting

Cutting of ceramic tiles and travertine and finished with a bevelled edge profile.

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